Saturday, January 31, 2015

This is a page of just Pictures of Devon.  You can see he was a looker, but also a lover.  He was always loving on Wakko, his brother Blinky, and me.   The last picture is him with Wakko.  Wakko has been kind of sad this week.  I think he is still looking for Devon.

2015 So far...I'm not a fan

Well, I have not written or even thought about this blog in some time.  Just busy during the Holidays and then busy busy at work with everyone taking off and sorts.  I was going to start up again, but man oh man shit just seems to come at me no matter where I duck.

The house I gave up in Bankruptcy in 2011, well that thing is back in my life. happy about that.  Seems the bank decided they didn't want it in 2013 so they release the lien against the property and now I have a free house.  Well I knew none of this and while the house sat, assholes decided to break in and steak the copper pipes, there really wasn't that much and cut the wires.  That that pisses me off.   Now I also have to pay 3 years of back taxes , water utilities, and find a way to fix the place up or just sell as is.   FUN FUN FUN!!

Last week, Tuesday, my little man Devon passed away.  He was my little partner in crime around the house for the last 7 years.  He was the runt of his litter and a sickly one when he was a wee babe.  He lungs were always getting the best of him.  He got sick recently and took him to the vet.  He still passed away a week later.  I miss him dearly and have been severely depressed this entire week.  It is starting to let up a little but I still get flashes of him on the table at the vet with the tube coming outta his mouth and that just sends me over the edge again.   I know he was just a cat to some people, but I don't/can't have kids.  So he was more than just a mere pet.  I loved him and we had a special bond.  So it just hurts a lot right now.

So 2015 can frak off as far as I am concerned.  Hopefully it will get better.  We'll see and I will let you all know.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

New Toy

Sam brought me a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7.0.  Has a Quad Core Processor and so far me likes it very very much.  He's such a sweetie pie.  So if anyone has any games or programs that they think I will like, let me know.

Got Sam and I some very warm and coomfy Robes

Nice soft and thick Terry Cloth Robes.  You know, the kind you steal for those really nice hotels.  Well I found these on sale in November.  Normally $89 a piece I got them at Half price so only paid for ONE!!  Here is what they look like.  So nice to lounge in these and those slippers my Mom got us.  Loving IT!!!!

Look What Momma Got me for Christmas

My mother is such a great lady.  I love her very much and she just sent me the best things in the world.  She knows I have perpetually cold feet.  I mean freezing to the touch even if I am sweating.  So she got me these...

Rockport Slippers.  She got me a pair and Sam a pair.  They are soooo comfy.  They keep my feet warm and toasty.  She was so sweet to think of me.  I love you Mom.  Thank you!!

Getting ready for the Christmas Party Sam and I were invited to.

Tomorrow is Christmas 2014.  Instead of doing our normal thing, going to Chosun Korean BBQ, we were invited to a Christmas Dinner at one of his co-workers house.  It seemed he really wanted to go so I said yes.  From how it was explained to me, there would be about 6 people there.  Last night I was told there was about 30 people going.  I don't like crowds of people especially when I do not know any of them.  Not one person.  So now instead of dinner and a movie it is going to be a night of awkwardness because I generally do not open up to people or speak to them until I have at least been around them for a couple of weeks.  This is a defense mechanism I employed after getting screwed over my supposed friends time and time again.  So Yeah for me. 

Anyway, enough wallowing in that mess.  Sam said we needed to bring a dish, but wanted some sort of salad or veggie dish as they already had the meats and normal Christmas foods covered.  So I made a Cornbread Salad.  This is a Traditional Southern Dish for large gatherings.  It is a pretty layered salad with plenty of the hardy items that are normally available to persons of meager means.  Poor people, OK.  You just made me say it didn't you.  I love this dish.  The Recipe is below along with a picture.  I messed up when I made it as the bowl isn't large enough and I didn't cut back on the first layer of cornbread.  Normally it is equally space and very pretty to look at.  This one is alright.  When you are about to place this on the table, the last layer of bacon it placed on top.  BACON, yes lord.  Everything is better with bacon.  I always double the bacon order.

Cornbread Salad
1   16 oz. Pkg. Cornbread Mix (Mexican works well)

20  Slices of Bacon – Well Done

1   1 oz. Pkg. ranch Dressing Mix

1½ Cups Sour Cream

1½ Mayo

2   15 oz. Cans of Pinto Beans - Rinsed

3   Tomatoes; chopped

1   Cup Bell Pepper; chopped

1   Cup Green Onions; chopped

2   Cups Cheddar Cheese; Shredded

2   11 oz. cans Whole Kernel Corn; drained




Prepare the cornbread according to the package.  Let Cool.  Crumble and set aside.  Cook Bacon until evenly browned and CRISP.  Crumble and set aside.   Whisk together Ranch dressing Mix, Mayo, & Sour Cream.   Crumble half of the cornbread in the bottom of a large serving dish or bowl.   Top with half of the beans, tomatoes, peppers, onions, cheese, corn, & bacon.   Pour half of the dressing mix evenly over this.

 REPEAT THE LAYERS - Except same that last layer of bacon to go on top of the Dressing.  This way the dish is presented letting everyone know that a pork product (Bacon) is in the dish.  Not everyone eats Pork.  For me, presenting the crumbled bacon on top it to make everyone's mouth water because BACON makes everything divine.

 Cover and Chill 2 hours.

Makes 12 servings.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


I received an OUTSTANDING rating from one of the customers I have helped regarding a dispute over $195.00 in Accessorial Fees on a shipment.  I am so happy I was able to assist this customer and receive this tremendous rating of my work.  Here is what he had to say to me:

  I think he was upset that he got charged for the services he received.  So glad I could help you!