Wednesday, June 22, 2011

First Blog

We would like to introduce ourselves.  Glenn in on the end wearing the Red shirt and Doug is in the middle.  Always the pivot person, HAH!  The other guy is Andy and he is one of our closest of friends.  We have gone to Disney World once in 2006 and again in 2008.
Glenn and I  (I call him Sam as that is his first name but her prefers Glenn) have been together since May or June of 2007.  The exact date is a little complicated to nail down as we got together right as his ex and he were having a horrible break-up.  NO...I had nothing to do with it.  I was just there to scoop him up!!!
We are two homebodies that enjoy staying at home.  We are not bar people.  I got that outta my system in the 90's and I don' think Glenn ever really did the bars that often.  There really isn't that much of a Gay Community here in Kansas City unless you do the bars and like to drink and drug it up.  Since we don't, we have or circle of friends that we see once in awhile.   We spend most of time together at home.  Some people would say "sounds boring", but we don't find it to be.

This is my first attempt at a blog so bear with me.  I will try to update this a couple times a week with interesting tidbits from our lives, review of music, movie, and basically anything else that tickles our fancy.  Hell It's OUR BLOG!!! 

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